Saturday, November 21, 2009

The Worst Thing

"The worst thing", I said to Larry, "is that I let you talk me into stuff like this." He had told me that I should have a Blog, so that I could share my random thoughts with the world. "Why?", I asked, "Was I blathering?"

I had been telling him that I was remembering an old library book from my childhood, "Doris Bryant's Book of Cats". This book talked about various ways to introduce one cat to another, and said that sometimes, cats will not be best friends but will merely tolerate each other, and not suffer stress from the enforced coexistence.

I guess we were talking about this because we were celebrating the harmonious introduction of the new Glorious and Sacred Kitten, a 5-month-old Blue-Point Siamese Cross named Louis Vuitton - by his previous owners! - to our Much Esteemed and Venerable 15-year-old Red Point Siamese cat, Archie. Within a week, the total strangers had become bedfellows, even tenderly touching each other in their sleep - see the beautiful pictures, taken of course by Larry.